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Ontario Custom Furniture Dining Table

Custom Furniture King Bed

Custom Solid Word Furniture Corner Cupboard

Custom Wine cabinet finished and installed

Close up view of wine side board cabinet.

Guy Can Custom build modern furniture as well.

Solid wood dressers image.

Detail of solid wood dresser drawer.

Large Wardrobe made from solid wood.

Santa fe Cupboard

Solid Wood Side Board

Installed kitchen counter top and cupboard.

High Reproduction solid wood cupboard.

Large corner cupboard made from solid cherry wood.

Ontario Custom Solid Wood Furniture
Gallery 2

Cupboards and Cabinets

This  gallery is devoted to cabinets of different styles. For larger images just click on the thumbnails and the image will open in a larger window. Just hit the back button to return to this page.

The diversity of cupboards and cabinets that Guy has made over the years is immense. From reproductions using hand forged hardware to custom solid cherry wood cabinets designed to hold treasured wine or glass ware. all are made in his shop with his exacting attention to detail.

Take a look at some of the close up photos to see the detail and the care in construction. These are truely hand crafted one of a kind heirloom furniture.

To  contact Guy to discuss details of your project just click on Contact Guy and you will be taken to the page with information on  phone or email .



"Quality isn't expensive, it's priceless"
All materials copyright 2010 Guy Roy